About us
Sunday Mornings @10am 17 Grey St Waitara
Phone (06) 754 4356
Facebook - Knox Church Waitara
Postal - P.O. Box 216, Waitara, 4346
Email - lisa@waitara.org.nz
Staff Team

Sebastian Murrihy
Senior Pastor

Guy Pilkinton
Associate Pastor

Sharon Moala

Lisa Parsons
Community Worker, Family Coordinator
Our Leadership Team (Elders)

Andrew Larsen
Session Clerk

Sebastian Murrihy

Rebekah Savage

Peter van Lith
Senior Pastor

Nathan Carrington

Karen Dickson

Teresa Parsons

Guy Pilkinton
Associate Pastor
Jesus Priority - Ko Ihu te mea nui
Jesus is intentionally at the centre of our thinking and motivation.
Bible Centred - Pipera tapu
The word of God contained in the Bible is God’s written voice to humanity.
Authentic - Tuturutanga
Authenticity is being honest about our present reality; a world marred by human sinfulness. Yet it is honesty with the hope we can make it a better place because of our connection with the creator through Jesus, our Lord.
Autonomy - Mana motuhake
Autonomy comes from the recognition that God has given humanity the gift of free will. Autonomy means recognising the inherent nobility God has placed within each of us. This is outworked best in a culture of respect and where we can honour and encourage each other. When it comes to exercising power in leadership, we want to use that power to empower others to be the best they can be. Autonomy recognises freedom works best in an atmosphere of love.
Generosity - Atawhai
We serve a big-hearted God. When we function out of an attitude of generosity and faith, we are functioning in accordance with the heart of God.
Hospitality - Manaakitanga
The Bible is big on hospitality. We want to align with the Biblical theme of welcoming the undeserving as guests.
Family - Whanaungatanga
Family is a culture of inclusivity where everyone is treated as though they were related. Family means home, a place, a context where you can relax, be yourself, and be accepted. As much as we grow as a church we want to grow the culture of a big family. You are family, and you matter. “We all eat at the same table as Jesus.”
Harvest Focused - Nga hua tikanga
Harvest is a metaphor that Jesus used for the people that live outside of the borders of the Kingdom of God. Bringing in the harvest is our motivation.