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Places to Belong



Below you can find some small groups to join. 


Jesus said "where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them" (Mt 18:20).  


Band of Brothers

Men: Friendship, Food, Discussion and Bible Exploration

Wednesday 7:30 pm

Address: @ Graham's place - Devon Road, Waitara

Phone: 754 6005 or or 0273 490 966


Beta Bible Study

Bring and Share Lunch followed by Bible Study, fellowship and prayer.
Tuesday 12:30 -2:30 pm

Contact: Dorothy Dewar
Address: @ Dorothy's place - Mouatt Street, Waitara
Phone: 754 4422


Stretch and Grow

Women: Bible study, discussion, and friendship.
Fridays 10am @ the church with Margaret and Helen

Contact: Margaret Murray 06 754 5585



Men and Women 55+: Telling a story, book review, a speaker or activity followed by afternoon tea.
Second Tuesday of the Month, 1.30pm

Contact: Lynette Hodge
Address: Church Cafe
Phone: 754 6443

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Worship Team

Music for Church, Youth, and Concerts, skill development, friendship and fun.
Practice Thursday 7.30 pm

Contact: Daniel Chapman
Address: Church Auditorium
Phone: for information contact Church Office 754 4356


Scones with Seb

Senior Mixed: friendship, coffee, date scones, and a good story.
Bi-Monthly Wednesday 10.30 am

Contact: Sebastian Murrihy
Address: Church Cafe
Phone: 754 4356

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Ladies Lunch

Women: food, fun, say what you think conversations.
4th Friday of the Month

Contact: Coral West
Address: Cafe decided by consensus
Phone: 754 7745

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Come and have a game of pool, badminton, table tennis and a cuppa

Wednesdays May-Sept 1:30 - 3:00 pm

For more information contact  Graham Armstrong on 0273 490 966 or       754 6005 


Doing Life Together

Vigorous discussion on any topic.
7:30 Monday’s at the Pearce’s

Contact: Adam and Taryn

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Saturday Morning Tea

A get together for all women.  A place for making friends and laughing together over great morning tea.

Saturday Mornings once a month

@ Denise's place - Waitara

Contact Denise on 027 630 6826


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Old Time Hymns

Mixed: Hymn singing, Friendship
First Sunday of Month 2pm

Contact: Queenie Silby
Address: Church Cafe
Phone: 754 7132

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Petrol Heads

Mixed: Fun, friendship and the pursuit of anything to do with petrol vapour.
By arrangement, usually Saturday

Contact: Andrew Larsen
Address: Contact Andrew
Phone: 754 4942


Tabitha Crafts

As a group, we want to provide practical help to our community.

Even if you can’t sew or knit, we could still use your help.
Tuesday Mornings

Contact: Lesley Smith McDonald
Address: Knox Green Room
Phone: 027 380 2585 



Mixed: friendship, food, discussion, Bible exploration.
Mondays at 7.30 pm

Contact: David and Christine Cambie
Address: Ohanga Road, Onaero
Phone: 754 3882

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Caleb and Joshua. It is held at Bronnie and Peter’s place at 7 pm on Wednesday evenings.

Contact: Peter & Bronnie Van Lyth
Address: 20 Aubrey Street, Waitara
Phone: 06 754 3094 


Prayer @ 6.30am
6.30-7.15am Thursdays at Knox Church or ask to join online

The Altar
8.30-9.30am on Sundays before the morning service in the green room. The altar conveys the sense of sacrifice, waiting on God, baring yourself before God, and seeking God. A place where you will be contemplative, and open to the Holy Spirit's leading. A place where revelation flows and intercession is made. All are welcome. 

The Boiler Room
9.00-9.45am before Sunday service in Sebs Office. Prayer mainly concerning the morning service to follow

Emergency Prayer Chain
Contact Judy Armstrong 754 6005


Monday Morning Prayer

6-7 am at the Parker's. We pack a punch in the heavenlies for those who are sick or need Jesus.




Contact the church office 7544356

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